1. What is CrackDownloader ?
CrackDownloader is an easy to use tool to find and download cracks and serials through internet quickly.
It searches for cracks/serials over the internet in the best cracks/serials sites and show you the results in moments!, then you can download any crack/serial quickly.
Since CrackDownloader doesn't use Internet Explorer to search and get the cracks and serials, you can use it without any fear of any Virus, Adware, Trojan or immoral content that most of the crack sites contain, so it's 100% saveware !!
There are many sites that provide the same results, so I chose one site only from the similar sites and omitted repeated ones..
2. How to use ?
Numbers Guidance :
- Search for all words or any word - Max results to get from each site.
- Type name of (program, game ... etc) to search for its cracks/serials, CrackDownloader will save search history in a list.
- Search Options, you can set search options in one click, [Ctrl+Tab].
- If you want to search in all sites, just check this option.
- Choose some sites; to take effect Option [b] should be unchecked.
- Max results to get from each site, this option make search quicker.
- Where to search - Tell CrackDownloader the sites you want to search in, type sites numbers and separate them with any character, (e.g.: "1,2,3" OR "1+2+3" OR "1.2.3" OR "1a2c3" OR "1 2 3" … etc) , if you want to search in all sites type "All" OR "0" , you can also choosing a number from the list
- Search...
- You can click any Column Header to sort the results according it, Ascending sort will be Descending at next click
- Results list, You can checking the cracks/serials you want to download
- Download all Files or Checked files only
- Start downloading...
- Stop all operations
- Current file (when downloading)
- Current File Size...
- KB's of the file Downloaded ...
- Program status
- Progress percent..
- If you press the right button on Results List, a menu will appear and it contains :
- Get selected crack size (Only for cracks) -thx to Radido-
- Copy selected item name –thx to TCS-
- Selection operations
4. Tips and Hints:
The cracks & serials files will be saved in a folder named (CrackDown Store), you can make the program save cracks/serials to any folder automatically by setting the option "Default Folder" in "Options".
When Download completed, the program will open the Crack Folder Or Serials Text File automatically, you can disable this feature in "Options".
To clear search history or disable it, go to ( Options menu -> Options -> History ).
To search for a crack quickly, choose sites [1+2+3+4+5+6].
5. General notes:
Be sure that CrackDownloader isn't a "spyware" at all...
Some sites give you a shit (like "crack.exe" 8,704 or 4,608 bytes) with the real crack or instead of it, therefore Be careful when you want to run any crack, unfortunately AntiVirus programs don't recognize some of these shits !!
If you couldn't find a crack by CrackDownloader and found it somewhere, please let me know the site where you found the crack at :)
Your suggestions, comments and bugfixes are welcomed...
6. History:
CrackDownloader v2.2 [10/07/2005]
Multilanguage version (+12 languages):
- Arabic language.
- Chinese (Simplified) language.
- Chinese (Traditional) language.
- Dutch language.
- Farsi language.
- French language.
- German language.
- Hungarian language.
- Italian language.
- Russian language.
- Spanish language.
- Turkish language.
- Added Export Options and Restore Defaults.
* Fixed a bug with AlwaysOnTop.
* Fixed crack sites [7,8,10] and Removed [6,11,12].
* Fixed serial site [2] and Removed [10].
* Fixed (CPU Usg=100%) when searching or downloading.
- Tool Bar.
- Fixed some bugs.
- Plus version.
- Now search in 22 of best Cracks & Serials sites.
- Search options box.
- Import & Export Results as [*.txt] or [*.cdp].
- Open (crack folder/serial file) when download completed.
- "CrackDown Store" Folder.
- "Get crack size" & "Copy" menu items.
- Updated searching and downloading algorithms.
- Fixed some Bugs.
- Fixed a bug with serials downloading.
- Fixed other bugs.
- Search history.
- Search for All words.
- Search for All words.
- Tabbed options.
- Always on top option.
- Options saved now in registry.
- Fixed a bug with search.
- Fixed a bug with files names.
- Serial site.
- Support direct connection.
- Improved downloading speed.
- All program options will be saved (ini file).
- Fixed some bugs.
- Multi-Thread now!
- 2 crack sites.
- First serial site.
- Changed program icon.
- Fixed a bug with Network connection.
- First public release.
- It contained one crack site only.
Source : in4matics.4t